Production Blog- Filming
My group is comprised of 3 people including me. It's a group of people that I'm very familiar with. One of my team members is Lucas Alves whom I've been friends with since tenth grade. My other team member is Daniel Arroyo whom I've been friends with since tenth grade as well. I'm excited to be working with both of these guys. Together I think we can really do some special things. Lucas has great creativity and imagination. He also brings reliability. This will be useful to use in the future. Daniel has a great work ethic and is very smart. He also brings problem solving skills. This will be useful to use in the future. And I will bring importance to the team as well. I will bring consistency and responsibility. I will also bring positivity and flexibility. We haven't decided how and where we are going to record. But I believe we will record at Lucas' house. As for the time when I'm still not sure. Looking forward to the future. I'm very excited and optimistic.
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